Fostering the business interests and professional development of the psychology community.

WPS Frequently Asked Questions

This document is intended to answer questions you may have about the New WPS. Enrollment has lagged thus far, and we wish to address questions you have that may be causing you to hesitate.

Governing Structure

WPS is run by a board of four directors who make all major decisions. None of the board members receives compensation for their work. The board meets on a regular basis, currently once every 3-4 weeks. Todd Favorite and Larry Perlman have been on the Board since the incorporation of WPS as a nonprofit one year ago. Other members had to step down due to work and family obligations. They were replaced by Geri Markel and Alan Newman in July 2023. We are appreciative to those who have volunteered their time during this journey.

Financial Status

The new WPS is a very lean organization. Our budget barely covers the expense of leasing our custom software and paying our dedicated part-time administrator and intern. No Board Member receives any compensation. In fact, we have relied on interest free loans from the Board to cover our initial operating expenses.

Relationship to other psychological organizations

WPS started as a project of MPA and we continue to encourage members to join the state association. We believe the health of the profession depends on encouraging the many psychologists who are not affiliated with any psychological organizations to join their state associations and the APA, as well as serving on governing boards and committees.

Your contribution in the form of dues

WPS will not succeed without your contribution. We are asking that you pay $75 or $150 in annual dues to make the New WPS a reality. We depend on the participation of our members to jump start this transition. We are confident that this will enhance your professional objectives and that you will choose to renew once you have enjoyed the benefits of membership.

Choice of Payment Plan

The Basic Membership

This functions much like our previous free listserv. Members can post announcements, make queries regarding business issues, discuss subjects relevant to their practice, and so forth. A Basic Membership is suitable for those who wish access to our General Message Board which facilitates communication with members throughout Southeast Michigan at a cost of only $75 per year.

Both the Basic and Premium Memberships provide a $20 discount on each of our two-hour webinars.

The Premium Membership

As part of its expanded mission, WPS will serve the broader community of mental health professionals who are not psychologists through Premium Memberships. A Premium Member can promote their whole practice, clinic, or other mental health organization at all of their locations. This includes all non-psychologist employees and affiliates. These people will also be eligible for discounted tuition for any of our webinars. Even one referral will cover the $150 cost of an annual membership.

How is wPS accrediting its CEs?

The Michigan Board of Psychology recently began recommending the use of CE Broker to track and evaluate educational offerings. Washtenaw Psychology Society sees many advantages of following this recommendation. Therefore, WPS has registered as an educational provider with CE Broker. The WPS account number is 50-43750. 

What this means is that each WPS webinar is individually registered and evaluated by the Board. We are submitting information for the remaining webinars that are scheduled to take place thus far this year. We will get approval for each one as soon as the applications are processed by the Board. Webinars that satisfy the Ethics and Pain Management CE's that are required for biennial license renewal are designated as such in our applications.

You can reference the account to learn more about the status of our offerings.

Each attendee will receive a printable certificate of completion. In the event that a certificate is misplaced, the attendee can request a replacement PDF from our admin. (

how do i get in contact with WPS?

WPS’s website’s contact form is forwarded to our administrative team. You can also email us at If a phone conversation is required, we will schedule it with you via email.